P.O. Box 511, Sooke BC, V9Z 1H5

Sooke Park Watch

"Thieves Beware. Park Watch Patrol is here."

The JDF Regional Park Watch Society is a local, registered non-profit society with
charitable status which operates the annual Park Watch Patrol program in our region
from May to September each year. The prime focus of the program is to prevent theft
from vehicles, break-ins and vandalism. Our Patrollers provide information on keeping
yourself and your vehicle safe while you enjoy spectacular scenery and beautiful parks.
Uniformed Patrollers set up a station with A-frame signs, brochures and map table
display, locked donation box and water.

We serve in the parks from Matheson Lake to Aylard Farm (East Sooke and Pike Road
parking areas) Sooke Potholes, French Beach, China Beach and Botanical Beach in
Port Renfrew. Park Watch is embarking on its 16 th year of operation.

Patrollers are knowledgeable about the area, providing information about local
attractions, places to go, things to do, restaurants, service stations, etc. Patrollers are
trained first responders for First Aid and offer assistance in a variety of ways. Judging
by comments received by Park Watch staff, tourists and local people are most grateful
to have this information and our security program in place.

“Since its inception in 2001, there have been NO reports of vehicle break-ins or
vandalism while Patrollers are on duty... and I think the Park Watch Program is to be
greatly commended for this significant achievement,” says program co-ordinator, Marie

Patrollers distribute 38,000 brochures to park visitors each year. The brochures are a
source of funding to help keep the program in operation. Advertisers pay for space and
we encourage visitors to mention Park Watch when they visit our advertisers.

In addition to brochure ad sales, we receive funding from various grants and donations
in the parks. In-park donations provide approximately one-third of our total funding
requirements for each season. Thank you to all of our generous park visitors! You help
to keep us in the parks.

For more information about the program please Email parkwatch22@telus.net
or write to
JDF Regional Park Watch Society,
PO Box 511,
Sooke BC V9Z 1H5.

You can now securely donate on-line to keep this service going. Using Canada Helps website you can donate knowing your money is being used locally. All donations will receive a tax deductible receipt. You can search "Environment" and "Sooke" or put in the Business Number
Registered Charity

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